Thursday, August 10, 2006

Different and Yet....

Two posts in one day? I've got a lot to do and I'm trying to avoid doing it.

We Smiths are standing at a crossroads. We can choose to stay the same, but we won't. There are a lot of possibilities for the future. They are all at once terrifying and thrilling.

Here at our little cottage,the sun is hidden and the storm is about to come.

I've been thinking about September 11th. This has lead me to think of the traders in New York. This has lead me to think of Cantor Fitzgerald, the firm that lost almost 700 employees that day. This makes me wonder who these people were. Some young men. Some with families. Newly married. Working hard on Wall Street because everybody in that line of work wonders what it would be like. Promising futures. Not that much different from us.

David talks to traders on Wall Street. I bet they all know someone who doesn't come to work any more. They don't talk about it. I guess they're busy being young men. Some with families. Newly married. Working hard on Wall Street because everybody in that line of work wonders what it would be like. Promising futures. Not that much different from us.


Under The Mountain said...

Thanks for remembering.

I'm a banking lawyer, and I remember reading about a young bank securities analyst/ commentator named Marni Pont O'Doherty who was killed in one of the towers. She used to write columns in the American Banker, a banking trade journal. She had a bright future, I think. I remembered her because I thought her name was unusual.

Also, a partner in my law firm was on the plane that hit the Pentagon. There is now a big lecture series in her honor.

Thanks for remembering.

susan said...

I'm sorry about that partner. Did you know her very well?